Environmental Due Diligence
Now Required by Law

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National and Provincial legislations dictate that everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment. This includes both small businesses and large corporations alike. Under the law, businesses must exercise due diligence where all reasonable steps have been taken to prevent pollution and protect the environment. This includes having systems in place and checking to ensure that these systems are operating effectively. This obligation does not exclude individual employees being responsible for any negligent activity resulting in environmental damage.

Generally, the main areas where businesses need to practice environmental due diligence are:

  • Stormwater Management 
  • Trade Waste-water Management 
  • Waste Materials Management 
  • Hazardous Materials Management 
Stormwater Management: Enretech sorbents can be used as filtration media to filter out petroleum hydrocarbons from storm water prior to its discharge to storm water drains. Also, where Enretech sorbents are actively used to keep shop floors and forecourt areas clean of oil spill residues, there is much less chance that these hydrocarbon will even make it into storm water flowing off-site. Enretech sorbents are well suited for this role as they will not leach out the hydrocarbons they have absorbed, in the event that some used sorbent inadvertently ends up in storm water or even when in landfill and exposed to heavy rains.

Trade Waste-water Management: Businesses that produce waste water through their commercial or industrial activities can use Enretech sorbents as filtration media or as simple absorbents during spills of trade waste liquids.

Waste Materials Management: Waste minimisation through the standard 'reduce-reuse-recycle' programs is currently the best way for businesses to manage their wastes. Using sorbents like Premium Floor Sweep can significantly reduce the amount of waste sorbent/oil going to landfill when compared to the huge amounts of clay-based sorbents that would be required for the same job. Since Premium Floor Sweep is made from treated waste materials from the cotton industry, there is the added waste minimisation benefit here as well.

Hazardous Materials Management: The correct handling, carrying, use and storage of materials can help stop pollution of work areas, grounds, storm water drains and subsequently, our environment. It is the small-scale, incidental, 'everyday' spills that add up to a significant burden on the environment. Every business must have an established Spill Response Program which includes a written spill response plan, personnel training, and spill response equipment - including Enretech sorbents and spill kits.

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